About The School

Cambridge World School is an institution with deep rooted connections in traditional values. We endeavour to be committed towards innovation and knowledge sharing with team work and a caring attitude. Focusing on providing a purposeful direction.
The Pre-Nursery/Nursery unit caters to the early childhood education programme for toddlers providing them with an ideal environment that initiates the process of learning.
Dabbling with Colours, Clay Modelling, Investigative & Cultural Activities, form an integral part of their learning process.
The curriculum is feathered to promote continuous improvement in the learning environment that enhances values, self esteem, self learning, responsibility, and yet at the same time keeps alive their innocence, spontaneity, cheerfulness and candidness.

To keep the momentum of growth and development, we ensure an environment of trust and desired motivation. Celebration of Festivals cultivates in them love and appreciation for culture and traditions.
Activity oriented programmes, games, shows, workshops, poems, richness of pictures, wordplay fun keep the little ones active and in good spirits. Visits to museums, game parks, picnic spots pamper their senses and rejuvenate their bodies and minds. Parents are kept informed of the various activities through Periodical Newsletters and the Annual School Magazine.
Thinking, Feeling, Involving, Having and Loving are the 5 Genuine and penetrating pointers of Cambridge World School’s advanced manner of Quality Teaching. Care is taken to engage the student’s mind in motivating purposeful and interesting tasks so as to instill in them a sense of value, foster in them social awareness, make them intellectually alert, inculcate patriotism and most of all imbibe in them sensitivity to the needs of others.