Rules & Guidelines
Recommendations to the Parents
The School and the Home are two key players in the overall development of your child.
To make your little one realize his full potential we at Cambridge World School, sow the seeds of confidence, leadership, love and learning. Giving our best to them is a co-operative effort, and we solicit your continuous support.
Care should be taken that your child comes to School every morning in a freshly laundered uniform with clean socks, handkerchiefs, neatly cut nails and well combed hair. Their uniform need not be new but it should be well cared for.
Be encouraging about every positive initiative your child takes and help him to differentiate between desirable and undesirable behaviour.
The School Diary is issued at the time of your child joining the School.
The Personal Data on the First Page of the School diary is a vital document reflecting information about your child. Kindly fill it accurately and in Block letters. Also paste a recent passport size photograph of the child.
Go through the Diary daily as it is a crucial bridge of communication between us. Should you find a circular or a comment by the teacher in the diary, make sure you respond promptly.
Kindly ensure that your child does not carry or wear any expensive item to School. The School will not be responsible for the loss of any such item.
Various activities are planned by the School for the enhancement of the children’s personality. All parents are expected to co-operate and not restrain their children from participating in such activities.
Parents are requested to remain in regular touch with the day-to-day studies of the child and also be in touch with the School.
Parents must give sufficient time and attention towards the progress and daily work of their children.
As English is an international language and not the mother tongue of our children, extra efforts are required to develop fluency in speaking it. While giving due respect to the vernacular and the national language, it is advisable that children converse in English as much as possible at home.
Television viewing time & programmes should be carefully monitored.
Birthday is a day which we joyfully share with our friends & family. The joy can be shared in a simple manner so that each of us feel equal in status, irrespective of our financial background.
Parents must ensure that their ward should carry their books and copies to School every day.
Parents are advised to prevent their ward from any deviance from the regular School uniform code.
A Monthly planner containing the activities to be covered in that month will be sent during the first week of every month.
Kindly check that your child’s books are properly covered and labelled.
Teach your children to pack their School bag carefully at night.
Laying out the uniform at night and cleaning the shoes is a habit which should be inculcated in them.
The child’s School bag and other belongings should be labelled with the child name.
Educate your child on the importance of good toilet habits.
Shower your child with lots of love while preparing him/her for School and keep reminding about the need to go to School.
In every sphere of life Care is a magic word because a lot of problems can be solved with Care. The Caring environment at CWS along with the involvement of our diligent parents nurture our twinkling stars.
The School is not responsible for goods or money lost. Students are requested not to wear expensive watches and jewellery. Money should not be borrowed or lent and articles of any nature should not be exchanged.
Any sharp instrument which could possibly harm anyone should not be brought to School.
Guidelines for healthy food options to the children:
Eatables – Vegetables, Sandwiches, Fruit/vegetable Salad, Fruits, Paneer/Vegetable Cutlets, Khandvi, Poha, Uttapam, Upma, Idlis, Kathi Rolls etc.
Liquids – Low Fat Milk Shakes with Seasonal Fruits (without added sugar), Fresh Fruit Juice and Smoothies with Ffruits, Fresh Lime Soda, Badam Milk, Lassi, Jaljeera etc.
At the time of joining we want your ward to be picked and dropped at the School for the first week.
The School Timings are
Summers : 8:30am to 1:00pm (3rd April to 30th October)
Winters : 8:30am to 1:00pm (1st November to 25th March)
Please note that the School gates will open at 8:00am.
Before 8:00am No student will be permitted inside the School premises.
The School gates will close at 8:30am, after which no student will be allowed to enter the School premises.