Events June 2021
Celebrating World Health Day | |
“A father’s tears and fears are unseen, his love is unexpressed, but his care and protection remains as a pillar of strength throughout our lives.” On 20th June 2021, the students of Class 2 celebrated the “Father’s Day”. We often express our love to our friends, mothers or relatives but never to our father. To make their day a little special, we asked the kids to click the pictures with their father. After this, a video was created and shared in the classroom itself. It was immense pleasure to see the smiling faces of their fathers while watching the video. All the fathers were happy and became emotional and they hugged their kids. It was a delight to watch such love. Then the students were told to wear their Dad’s Shirt/T-shirts and were told to enact like them. The students did an amazing job at this thing and also enjoyed a lot. Also, it was a great opportunity for the kids to express their love for their fathers. The idea to celebrate this in School was to make fathers feel special and to tell them that they are the strong pillars. |

Father’s Day is a celebration honouring the influence of Fathers in society. He is the one who supports all our dreams and desires. This day was celebrated on a virtual platform by the children of Class 3, where students were shown a dance performance of smaller kids and were motivated to make book marks and cards for their Fathers. Some of the kids also recited short poems for their Father. The day was celebrated with full of zeal and enthusiasm.

Celebrating International Yoga Day
“Yoga is a light which once lit will never dim, the better you practice the brighter your flame.”
On 21th June 2021, the students of Class 2 celebrated the “Yoga Day”. The Teachers shared a motivating video on Yoga. After watching the video, the students were made aware of the different “ASANAS” and also understood the importance of Yoga in our daily lifestyle. Yoga not only improves strength and flexibility but also relaxes us. It also helps to benefit heart health. Some of the students then performed various “ASANAS” and they all did an amazing job.

Yoga is more than just burning your calories and toning your muscles. It is a mind and body workout where you have strengthening and stretching postures – Asanas, along with deep breathing techniques to relax your mind and body. This day was celebrated with full of zeal and enthusiasm by kids of Class 3. The students watched a motivating video of various Asanas and after that took the initiative to do them on their own. Some of the kids even performed more than 3 yoga poses and shared their photos.